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BlogAre you a South Australian employer looking to sponsor overseas workers? Read more about DAMA regulations!

The Australian government has recently charted out and laid down the basic requirements for South Australian employers in order to sponsor overseas workers to enter into a DAMA Labor Agreement. The South Australian employers are now required to be endorsed by the Designated Area Representative (Source: Immigration SA).

Who is eligible for the South Australian DAMA?

The South Australian employers and businesses who are actively operating their income in SA are eligible as well as:

  • Are genuine, income-generating and viable and also have been operating in business for at least 12 months.
  • The employers are looking to sponsor overseas workers to fill in their full-time positions with duties as aligned in the occupations on the Agreements occupation lists.
  • Have advertised the positions in Australia locally and have proved that they were unable to fill in the positions locally.
  • Have no red flags and any such adverse histories of not meeting their obligations.
  • Can provide similar working conditions to overseas employees as provided to Australians.
Key elements of the South Australian DAMA:
  • The DAMA provides a framework for the regional employers who are at present facing skills shortages and labor shortfalls to fill in the slots within their companies with competent and skilled labor and professionals from overseas talent.
  • Employers will also be required to meet a range of risk and integrity requirements to ensure the rights and safety of overseas employees are not compromised.
  • English language, salary, skills and experience related concessions are offered to facilitate pathways to permanent residence on selected positions.
Endorsement criteria:

In order to sponsor overseas workers, the South Australian employers need to provide the DAR along with evidence that the criteria are met:

  • The employers will be required to mention/request the number of vacancies and the positions they need to fill in one year, also mentioning in detail the occupation and concessions that they want.
  • First and foremost, the employer must be based in South Australia.
  • The Labor Market Testing (LMT) rule applies and shows LMT has been completed in accordance with the requirements.

In order to further gain assistance regarding partner visa procedures and if you want free one-on-one consultations, Vision Consultants Australia (education agent, migration agent) can provide expert education and migration consultancy and visa services.

Get Experts’ assistance at Vision Consultants to assist you with your application.

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