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BlogInternational students will be allowed to travel soon – The Australian Govt. has decided to revive the University sector

International students will be allowed to travel soon

The Government has decided to bring international students back to Australia to revive the university sector. The CEO of Universities Australia Catriona Jackson said that the universities in the coming years will be effected to $16 billion due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She further added that international students are one of the vital sources to support employment, amenities, and research and development.
Keeping in view the estimated loss by 2023, the government of Australia has announced a major development. The Education Minister Mr. Dan Tehan affirmed the Trial Program and said that the Federal Government is acting to result in international students back to Australia after current pandemic travel restrictions (despite the closing of borders).


Mr. Tehan while addressing the media on 15th June, commended that international students generate $40 Billion of export revenue and the sector needs to keep getting this. He clarified further that the working on this part is complete and has been organized.

Universities will be revived as a part of the trial program

Through the Trial program, international students will be allowed to travel to Australia through the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia. On arrival, they will have to quarantine for 2 weeks, for which the governments of respective states and territories will look after the cost in coordination with universities.

This Trial Program signs to prevent the loss of $16 billion in the university sector. Concerning the present situation, a few universities including Melbourne University (offered $7,500 to students), Western Sydney University ($1,500 to 300 students), and Deakin University ($25m welfare fund) proposed students to bypass the travel restrictions i.e. undergo quarantine in the countries without a travel ban to enter Australia.

COVID-19 Measures for travel actuation

Prime Minister Mr. Scott Morrison after meeting the national Cabinet is seeking suggestions from states to implement the program for best outcomes.

Giving an impression of the importance of international students, Morrison said that such measures with positive impacts are indeed welcomed with secure strategies to quarantine and biosecurity risks.

However, he emphasized on states to actuate traveling for each other before the Trial Program. “If you can’t return to your state from Sydney, then nobody is returning to your state from Singapore,” he said.


This Trial Program Upon successful implementation would prove to be a platform for different sectors providing more than 250K local jobs to international students. The university sector after pulling the strings for several months, hoping the success of this program as a milestone to revive the university and other related sectors in the present downfall.


However, the UA chief Executive Catriona Jackson expects to have a sense of responsibility from international students as a favor of this program. She also said that students need to be careful to follow the health and hygiene practice and that the Government is confident to stake them as COVID-19 safe citizens.


Apart from all the arrangements, strategies, announcements, and media releases, this Trial Program has still needed to be in effect. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told the media that the trial dates still need to be decided.


On the other hand, the universities are forcing the Government to put this plan into effect since the second-semester intake is nearer.


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