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BlogAdvicesInterested in Studying Automotive in Australia – A definite pathway to PR!

Automotive in Australia; is the rising field in the Australian job market, and its prospects are rising at a higher pace within the Australian market. Each year, many international students come to Australia to seek employment opportunities and study the right pathway program that they are interested in and are passionate about. Automotive is a field concerning automotive manufacturing, parts and other mechanical devices that are used in the production of automotive vehicles and motor mechanical stuff so if you are someone who a-has a passion in this field then it is just the right course for you.

Calling out on an average, the automotive field is a high rewarding degree program, and on an average the automotive mechanics earn about something in excess of the $1400 weekly if they ought to be at the top of their game in the field.

Study Automotive in Australia – The degree pathways:

The next question here that arises is that if someone, say for instance you, are interested in studying automotive in Australia then what are the degree programs that one can go for? Where exactly can you to study automotive in Australia terms of institutes wise? The answer to this question is that automotive field being a sought after occupation in Australia, has multiple programs that one can select if they are looking to get a world class education including:

Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Diploma in Automotive technology

Bachelor of Engineering (Automotive Engineering)

Master of Engineering

It is to further be noted here that certificate III in Automotive engineering has a wide scope of studies including that of light vehicle engineering and diagnosis and in addition to this, the

Certificate IV of automotive engineering prepares the student and develops on the base for learning objectives in the similar field.

What are the visa prospects for Automotive students after studying this course?

Good news and a prospective shining beacon for automotive graduates, motor mechanics and those who are in this field is that automotive is in the Medium and Long term strategic skills list and therefore the Department of Home Affairs has brought this in after considering the shortage of such skilled personnel in the local job market. Moreover, after the completion of your degree or diploma program you will also be eligible to apply for the much coveted visa category Temporary Graduate Visa, which allows its holders to live and work in Australia for a maximum period of 2 years. Therefore, if you are looking to study Automotive in Australia and consider yourself as having a flare for the field then choose the right education consultant Melbourne who will discuss with you your prospects and will advise you from there on what ideal conditions you should be applying for this visa.


Our expert Education and Migration Agents in Melbourne are happy to assist you! Vision Consultants Australia – your trusted source for Education & Migration visa consultancy services.


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