Australia till day remains the top spot and a dream destination for thousands of skilled migrants who comes from far and away continents and countries including China, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh among many. These skilled migrants are highly apt and adapt in their respective fields and therefore, are have exact level of expertise, skills and education in their respective needs, the fields which Australia needs and has charted out in its medium and short term strategic skills shortage lists, that are revised each term based on the current employment gaps among other factors.
Recent Budget Projections :
Now coming to the recent budget projections and according to various confirmed sources in the governmental level budget papers, the chances of return of migrants within Australia are pretty meager and so it can be said that their might not be any substantial return immigrants. This has come in light of the last year’s Covid-19 pandemic which has wreaked havoc throughout the world. With countries’ economies crashing and no foreseeable vaccination plans in sight several countries like Australia and Canada have hindered their immigration quotas and this means that in coming year the migration numbers for Australia will keep on falling.
Overall this will have a hard impact on the Australian job market and the economy as well, because education and migration is one of the top industries of Australia to sell to the world and it mints millions of dollars in economy via migration. Thus it can also be inferred from this budget announcement that this may be a sign of the government’s cost cutting measures as this was also announced that those federal immigrants who will be issued their PR status from January 2022, will have to further wait an astounding time of four years before they will be eligible for the most of the social security payments and this as many immigration gurus have called will have a negative impact on Australia being the top destination for migrants, temporary workers and international students alike.
It should also be noted here that unlike the previous terms/years where we witnessed a substantial increase in the immigration quotas within Australia each year in line with the growing needs of the employment and local job market, the numbers of the migration quota will remain same to that of the last year which will be 160,000. To break it down further, this means that within this quota 77,300 visas will be termed for the coveted family re-unification schemes and under which we may class the popular visa categories including the different streams for the partner visas, parents and grand-parents’ visas among others. On the other hand, out of this total quota, 79,600 slots will be allocated to the skilled migration classes including 489 skilled independent visa and 491 = regional migration visas among others.
But it is to be noted that besides these visa program numbers, migration researchers and top immigration consultants including Mr. Imran Lakhani, the CEO of Vision Consultants Australia are still mentioning that it is still not certain that the migration intake numbers will resume post 2022, and it will be dependent on the circumstances and scenario related to Covid-19 that government will decide further. This is in light of the budget guidelines which has forecasted that the migration numbers will keep on spiraling down in coming quarters with some arguing a staggering decline from what it is now to 70,000+ figure by the end of 2022. Keep hooked to this space for further guidelines, government announcement and guidelines on visa categories.
Our expert Education and Migration Agents are happy to assist you! Vision Consultants Australia – your trusted source for Education & Migration visa consultancy services.

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