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BlogAdvicesConsultationHow to Avoid the Prevalent Australian Immigration Fraud – Learn More

Australia, despite being a little hard to apply for PR cases as the number of invitations are getting lower in recent times and because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to this day remains one of the top and most sought after destinations when it comes to international students and skilled labor force who are eyeing to make Australia as their dream home and to avail the best of the possible healthcare, education and environment wise services in the world.

What are the Precautionary Measures to deal with Australian Immigration Fraud ?

With the continued demand that is being generated for Australian visa in recent times, it is also evidently seen in recent times that many of the aspiring talent and international workers fall prey to the rampant Australian immigration fraud that is so much prevalent in these times and especially in Asian countries including India, Philippines and Pakistan where many fall in the preying hands of these visa consultants who are minting money out of the pockets of these innocent professionals and students. Therefore, in order to be on the safer side and to always avail the services of the trusted immigration agents it is always advisable to ensure certain points including:

MARA registered agents

It is always advisable that when taking the services of Australian agents to look for the ones that are registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), always check for the registration number of the said agent and check with the regulation authority to ensure that they are registered so that they be able to provide the right consultation and advised needed for the delicate matters of migration and student visa options.

Dealing with the odds

If God forbid you fall prey to the prying eyes of the immigration agents who are not rightly assigned the role by any authority and who do not have neither the skill and nor the expertise to deal with the delicate matters of application lodging and handling of complicated cases, then this may severe greatly your chances and ultimately the odds of having your visa application successful, resulting in your being frustrated and loss of time and finances.

Ensuring proper documentation to avoid Australian Immigration Fraud

It is always to be remembered that registered and certified agents will always ask for genuine documents from you and under in no circumstances will ask for any dubious double act including tempering of the documents or asking to withhold certain information from the immigration authorities and be mindful that if anyone asks you to than please double check their authenticity.

Avoiding the too-good-to-be true scams

Please be mindful of the fact that often times you may across certain migration agents who have advertised over the internet or via newspapers that everything can be ‘arranged’ and ‘it will all work out’, it is to be noted that there are multiple scam operating within and outside Australia who show the grass is greener on the other side and everything can be arranged despite the applicant not meeting the guidelines so they must also be avoided at all costs.

It is always preferred and advised that while looking for Australian migration agents always look out for the education and migration consultants who seem to be genuine not with you but your case file, who are meeting all the governmental required guidelines such as MARA registration and who have strong presence along with proven track to back up their claims.


Our expert Education and Migration Agents are happy to assist you! Vision Consultants Australia – your trusted source for Education & Migration visa consultancy services.


☎️ Call us now: (03) 9939 0545

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🔹 Level 5, 1 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.
☎️ Call (03) 9939 0545
🔹Suite #206, Level 2, 250 Pitt Street, Sydney.
📱Call (02) 8021 7154
🔹 Suite #27, Level 1, 114 Bathurst Street, Hobart Tasmania.
📱Call: 0415 385 560

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