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NewsImportant Update on Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program

As of June 6, 2024, the Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program for the 2023-24 year has officially closed to new Registrations of Interest (ROIs). This closure means that no further ROIs will be accepted for this program year.


If you have already received an invitation to submit an application for nomination but have not yet lodged it, you still have the opportunity to do so before the expiration date specified in your invitation.


However, it’s crucial to note that no additional invitations to apply for nomination will be issued during the remaining duration of this program year. Migration Tasmania will continue to process and assess applications that have already been lodged but have not yet been decided upon. Due to limited remaining nomination places, not all applicants may be successfully nominated within this program year.


Once the available nomination places are exhausted, any approved applications will be nominated only after Tasmania receives its nomination allocation for the upcoming 2024-25 program year.


For ROIs that have already been assessed and allocated a Green or Gold Pass, they will remain in the Application Gateway and will be considered for an invitation to apply for nomination when the 2024-25 program year opens. Information regarding the 2024-25 program will be made available on the Migration Tasmania website and through their newsletter in due course.


Candidates who have already submitted ROIs and received a Green Pass can expect to be invited to apply for nomination as per the program’s procedures. However, given the limited number of nomination places left for the current year, invitations or nominations may be deferred until the commencement of the 2024-25 program year.


It’s important to emphasize that all ROIs with a Green Pass status will remain valid until an invitation to apply for nomination is issued, ensuring that applicants’ efforts and statuses are maintained within the system.


This update underscores the competitive nature of state nomination programs and the importance of staying informed and proactive throughout the application process.

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